1. What are the max button functions?
    The max button enables higher speed and stronger spray to help remove tough spots and stains.
  2. Does the cleaning solution have an odor?
    No, the cleaning solution does not have an odor, but it can deodorize the area you are cleaning.
  3. Does this unit suck up animal hair?
    The unique brush roll can help to remove animal hair and suck it into the Dirty Water Tank.
  4. Does animal hair get wrapped around roller?
    Normally this does not happen because the brush roller diameter size is big enough so it can avoid getting tangled. If there is a tangle, just remove the brush roller from its holder and use the cleaning tool to remove the hair tangle from the brush roller.
  5. Do you have to use distilled water?
    There is no need to use distilled water. Tap water is perfectly fine to use in the Floor One. Please do not use hot water as this can cause internal damage to the pipes in the Floor One.
  6. Can use bleach in the machine to clean floors?
    We would not recommend using bleach in this machine as it could damage the machine.
  7. How much does the product weigh?
    The product weights about 9.5 lbs.
  8. How long is the warranty?
    The warranty lasts 2 years.
  9. How long does the battery last for?
    The Floor One S3 can work for 35 minutes under Auto mode. The battery time may vary depending on the environment the Floor One S3 is being used on.
  10. What are the functions included in APP?
    Our APP includes the status of the Floor One such as power level, dirtiness level, battery level. The APP can also show you a performance report of your cleaning. Customer Service is able to be contacted through the APP.
  11. Is the filter replaceable and can it be washed?
    The filter can be washed and cleaned. Please be sure to thoroughly dry the filter before placing it back in the Floor One. Extra filters are also available on the Tineco website.
  12. How do I know when the Clean Water Tank (CWT) needs to be refilled?
    You may find the CWT empty indicator light blinking and a voice prompt reminding you to refill it.
  13. How do I know when the brush roller is blocked?
    You may find the brush roller blockage indicator light blinking and a voice prompt reminding you to take out the roller to clean it. Please check the air channel if there are any blockages while the roller is out of the brush roll holder.
  14. How do I know when the dirty indicator light is mulfunctioning?
    You may find that the dirty indicator light is blinking and you need to clean the air channel opening located underneath the DWT when it is removed.
  15. How much does the Floor One weigh?
    The main body of Floor One weighs 10lbs/ 4.6kg.

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