Spit out dirt

  1. *Generally, the blockage and misassemblage may result in this issue. Please follow the steps below for troubleshooting.

  2. Check the dustbin and filters

    1.Clean the dustbin and the filters.

    2.Remove any blockages from the dustbin air inlet.

    3.Check the seal rings of motor air inlet/dustbin cover/mesh filter to make sure it's in good shape and well installed.

  3. Check the tube and power brush

    1. Remove any blockages from the tube.

    2. Remove any hair wrapped around the brush roller.

    3. Remove any blockages from the brush chamber, dirt channel and the brush connector.

  4. Check the main body

    Remove any blockages from the motor air inlet.

  5. *After completing the troubleshooting, please reinstall the unit correctly.

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