About connecting

  1. *Please check your netwokr connection, and please check if your home WiFi is available.

  2. 1. iOS mobile can't connect to device WiFi 

    · Please check if there is a device WiFi connecting pop-up, if not you may connect from your WiFi list.

    · Please check if the device WiFi indicator is blinking, then you may connect to the device WiFi manually from the WiFi list.

  3. 2. Not connect to home WiFi

    You need connect to home WiFi manually.

  4. 3. Android mobile stops connecting at 50% completion

    You may turn off the 4G network and try again.

  5. 4. Android mobile can't conntect to device WiFi by scaning the barcode

    You need to connect manually.

  6. 5. Can't connect to the device

    · Please check if your home WiFi password is correct.

    · Please check if your home WiFi is 2.4G and not 5G.  You may turn off the 5G signal before connecting WiFi.

    · You need to choose the same region where the device purchased.

  7. 6. Faliure connection to device 

    Please press WiFi reset button and connect again.

  8. 7. Can't use network

    You may connect to cellular network or home WiFi.

  9. 8. Device is offline on APP or can't connect to network

    Make sure the WiFi connection is stable, check WiFi indicator:
    On-means online, 
    Off-means disconnect
    Blinking-means in connecting process

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